Tuesday, January 22, 2008

still swimming

This fishy is carved on the other side of yesterday's fishy's eraser. He looks a little like he's smiling.

Here he is with his posse. (These guys were stamped before I carved the gill, so they're not smiling. Maybe they're in a bad mood.)


Evidence of an Artistic Life said...

Something's fishy about all of this! These guys are very fun!!
chris p

b13 said...

When one of our pooches do something bad, they kind of peer at you from the side while trying to avert their gaze... we always called it the fish-eye (pronounced Feeesh-EYE)... these guys have it down pat!

Took said...

These guys are just cracking me up! I love them!

Please do show us the dime-for-size-reference thing.

Elin said...

Ah yes, I know that look. My little girl dog is a bit of a rascal, so she frequently gives me that look.

Nikki said...

Love the little fishies. Smiley might have to show his pose a little about having a positive attitude.