This one is for Jane, although it's just a regular seahorse, not the fancy one she wants. It's a busy week (deadlines!) so I had to do an easy one. I'll get around to the leafy seadragon eventually. It's only January, after all.
I can do the highland fling. Orange is my favorite color. I always tie my right shoe tighter than my left. I hate it when people use the word "dilemma" incorrectly. I do yoga while listening to loud rockabilly music. My favorite part of the male anatomy is the epigastric fossa (look it up).
Elin, it is just fabulous how you can make "simple" (as in uncomplicated/not overly detailed) designs convey such movement and expression.
I am such a fan!
I wanted to let you know that I did my first print carving in years thanks to your inspiration. Check it out.
I love this dude. He's so serene. (Or maybe he's a she, I can't tell).
Seahorses - I love them even more than elephants, gorillas and dragonflies.
fabulous!!!!! he's lovely! thank you!! you are really gettin' good at this...and it's only January!
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