Sunday, August 8, 2010

camp! [2010]

Still in the midst of summer camp. This past week's camps were Repurposed Art and Jewelry Making. My favorite conversation of the week - between a 7 year old girl (above) and me:

G (holding an octopus puppet): "This is Elephant."
me: "Elephant?"
G: "Just go with it."

I didn't take enough pictures but here's a little bit of what it looked like...


[the Statue of Peacesignity]

[ice cream day]

[iPhone app "fantasy" photos]



One more camp to go.


Took said...

I've said it a million times before and I will say it a million more...

Such lucky kids to have you as a teacher!

I wish I had been exposed to art and creative thinking when I was young...who KNOWS what could've happened.

Do your students realize what a jewel you are?

Elin said...

Awww. And I've said it a million times before - Took, you are sooooo good to me! Love you!