Repurposed Art [recycled newspaper coil thingies that don't have a name picture frames]
[candy wrapper + ticket stub boxes]
[sweater fish - the kids drew pictures of fish, cut up old sweaters in the fish shapes, sewed and stuffed them]
[we stuffed the fish using old vhs tape that we rescued from the trash. the tape was like catnip - everybody went crazy rolling around in it and throwing it in the air. who knew?]
[the eyeballs were made from the wrappers of my Builder Bars]
note: we did Jackson Pollock paintings too, but I don't have a single picture. pffft.
So. Last week's dance party was not so much requested by a student, more announced. First thing Monday morning I was explaining about the week and what projects we were going to do and whatnot when a student said "AND we have a dance party on the last day!" We had two - one in the morning, one in the afternoon. Honestly, I think I could just do a whole week of dance party summer camp. Six hours a day of dance parties. Who's with me?
I can do the highland fling. Orange is my favorite color. I always tie my right shoe tighter than my left. I hate it when people use the word "dilemma" incorrectly. I do yoga while listening to loud rockabilly music. My favorite part of the male anatomy is the epigastric fossa (look it up).