Saturday, May 17, 2008


[from Wikipedia]
A phoenix is a mythical bird with beautiful gold and red plumage. At the end of its life-cycle the phoenix builds itself a nest of cinnamon twigs that it then ignites; both nest and bird burn fiercely and are reduced to ashes, from which a new, young phoenix arises. The new phoenix is destined to live, usually, as long as the old one. The bird was also said to regenerate when hurt or wounded by a foe, thus being almost immortal and invincible — a symbol of fire and divinity.


Noah said...


b13 said...

You ever see a "Dragon Optics" logo? VERY similar. I love it though :)

Elin said...

Whoa! I just looked up Dragon Optics. That's a little freaky. Must have been inspired by Japanese crests, like my phoenix.