Tuesday, March 25, 2008


The Cloth Paper Scissors Studios issue is here! Pre-order it now, or look for it on newsstands starting April 1. Some very cool peeks into some very cool studios, mine included. Here's one more little picture of stuff in my studio - my entertainment system...


my croft said...

looks like bunnies (your entertainment system) and I think you mean "peeks" into studios (not "peaks")

Elin said...

No, I meant mountains!

my croft said...

thank you.
I had a student, who aspired to be a writer and --gasp-- an editor whose texts persistently insisted that she would "steel a peak at" one thing or another, and who was surprised that she didn't earn a clear "A" as her final grade in the course. Ah, youth.

Elin said...

Maybe she was trying to pique your interest.

Elin said...

Or perhaps she was a Pittsburgh Stealer fan.

my croft said...

Sadly no, very few know that "pique" is a real word. I put it on the board and they think it's a trick question. Many of them believe that the word assimilated from French that means transition is "segway." They also tend to confuse words that sort-of sound alike, such as protege, prodigy, and progeny.
I could go on... and on ... and on...

Jane LaFazio said...

Elin, love your bit in the studio magazine. I was AMAZED to learn that you have SO many jobs!! Including a day job--yikes. You got the juice, girl!