Tuesday, March 4, 2008

more politics

Okay, so I'm disappointed that Barack didn't win Rhode Island, but I'm really glad I worked for votes there. My experience with the Obama campaign has been remarkable and I can tell you that it's a well oiled machine. If his administration is run half as well as his campaign, we're all gonna be okay. I'm staying positive and setting my sights on Pennsylvania.


Karoda said...

He maintains his lead in delegates so no effort has been in vain...yes we can!

Deb Lacativa said...

Yes, We Will!

(I have specialized in bringing new, 1st time voters into the fold - two that I grew and several of their friends and associates)

DebbyMc said...

He's still ahead...and he'll make it! And he'll do it with honor and class! Yes we can!!!

Umā said...

i'm looking ahead to pennsylvania too, and was disappointed to hear that my home state (ri) didn't go obama's way...

Kim Hambric said...

Glad to hear of your work on Obama's behalf. I live in PA and will be working at my polling place all day on April 22. I will send good vibes his way. Perhaps I could put the hoodoo on voters.