Saturday, March 29, 2008


I do have a reason for the frogs. I'll update and explain later.

update: We spent the day at the Maritime Aquarium (Norwalk, CT) at the Frogs! exhibit. Today is the anniversary of my father's death, and while that might seem like an odd thing to do as a memorial, it's really quite fitting, for several reasons...
- we had been to this aquarium with him many times over the years, as well as a bunch of other sciencey places - whenever we visited him or he visited us we would try to go to aquariums, zoos, science centers and natural history museums
- when I was little, my father's nickname for me was "froggie"
- he and my son had a habit of mailing little toy frogs (see picture above) to each other, for no apparent reason (we bought one today, just for old times' sake)

So today we thought about frogs.



my croft said...

continuing the "hoppity" theme...?

Took said...

LOL -- for some reason the word for frog was among the first we learned in Latin class in high school. And the first Latin sentence I constructed on my own translated to "the happy frog" (we only had so many words to work with -- LOL).

I love this guy's toes!

Anonymous said...

I love your frog stamp. And your frog photos. They are some of my favorite creatures.

Anonymous said...

I love the photo of you and your Dad, Elin, and reading of his legacy. Your work reflects a bit of his time on earth. Namaste, KarenLR

Natalya Khorover Aikens said...

what a wonderful way to remember your dad...

Nikki said...

The frogs are amazing. Visiting them is the perfect way to remember your dad.